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Employee Engagement Dinner
Service Award of Excellence Recipient
Service Award Recipients
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Our People

Employee Recognition Dinner

The Employee Service Awards and Recognition dinner was hosted by Banyan Community Services on October 26, 2023 at Winona Vine Estate to recognize employees’ service contribution. There were 16 service awards and a service award of excellence presented.

The event was focused on honouring staff achievements and contributions to the organization and the clients and youth we are privileged to serve. The evening was a resounding success, filled with camaraderie and appreciation for the dedication demonstrated by our exceptional team members. From longstanding employees celebrating decades of commitment to newcomers who have already made a significant impact, every individual was celebrated for their unique contributions to our shared mission.

As we reflected on the past year, it was evident that our staff’s unwavering commitment has been instrumental in achieving our organizational goals and making a positive difference in the lives of the clients and youth we serve. The event provided a poignant opportunity to express gratitude and reinforce our commitment to fostering a supportive and rewarding work environment where every individual is valued and empowered to thrive. We look forward to another year of shared successes and continued growth as we work together to make a meaningful impact in our community.

Louise Palciauskas, RN

Service Award of Excellence Recipient

Louise Palciauskas, RN started her journey with Banyan during the midst of covid. Throughout the unprecedented and challenging time, Louise provided exceptional client-centered care to all three of Banyan’s out-of-home facilities. Louise is an unwavering advocate for the youth, ensuring that they have a voice for their medical needs in times where they feel they have none.

She offers a safe space for youth to disclose the most personal issues. She maintains the respect and dignity of all youth, while holding the youth accountable where and when they need to. Louise is not only an exceptional Nurse, but she is also an amazing employee and co worker. Words used to describe Louise by her workmates include “selfless, honorable, honest, brilliant, collaborative, accessible, and a hardworking beauty”.

Service Award Recipients*

*as of December 31, 2023

30 Years

Jacqueline Smyth, AYC

25 Years

Dawn Rush, PYC

Darren Rossi, GRF

Jim Avery, PYC

Donna Torzsas, PYC

10 Years

Christopher Adams, PYC

15 Years

Jody Graham, AYC

James Vecia, AYC

5 Years

Fran Doodeman, Community &
Professional Practice

John Krawec, PYC

Melissa Nieuwold, PYC