Transforming Stories
Helping Adults
Our values at work when it matters most!
Judy started with the Grocer-Ease program in 2020. She is unable to shop on her own due to mobility issues and other health concerns. Judy uses a public guardian for her finances and struggles to stay within budget. Banyan staff go over her grocery list prior to every shopping trip and prices out her list. We have been able to keep her within her monthly budget since starting this program.
There is, however, no money left over for anything else after the food is paid for. During the 2023 holiday season, with thanks to generous donors, we were able to provide the client with a Christmas tree, a wreath for her door, cooking pans and dishes, dish cloths, wash cloths, towels, and adult incontinence products. These are all items she cannot afford within her budget.
Judy’s life has improved significantly since joining the Grocer-Ease program. Staff provide a regular, consistent, trusting, and supportive presence in her life and support her health and well-being.
Grocer-Ease isn’t just about the groceries, it’s about helping and looking out for seniors, providing an essential link to the community, and reducing social isolation. Staff go above and beyond to support Judy. If she needs assistance putting grocery items away, we help. We also help with putting mail in the mailbox or taking garbage downstairs. Like Judy, all clients are in good hands with Banyan’s commitment towards building safe, inclusive and barrier free communities.
Supporting Youth
Our values at work when it matters most!
Angel first became a client of Banyan Community Services at the young age of 13. A highly volatile youth with a history of neglect and trauma, created an inability to be able to communicate her needs and vulnerabilities. Angel was criminally entrenched, participating in a high-risk lifestyle with little care of the consequences.